Client: Columbia Containers
Years: 2017 – 2019
Key Personnel: Assunta McCullough
Project Description: Columbia containers is building a modern, efficient and compact transloading facility to replace their aging grain elevator at a new location on their existing property on Burrard Inlet. The project also includes the installation of three new grain storage silos to replace existing container storage. The project requires adjusting the retaining wall on the Burrard Inlet foreshore approximately 20 feet to the north, allowing a shift of the building infrastructure slightly north (toward the water) making room for the new Commissioner Street alignment as part of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority South Shore Corridor Project.
Services Provided: Sartori completed a Habitat Offsetting Plan for foreshore expansion works, which included identification of project impacts, habitat restoration and enhancement, for submission to and approval by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Additionally, Sartori developed a construction and offsetting monitoring plan, a riparian replanting plan, surf smelt assessment and liaison with the proponent and regulatory bodies. Sartori is currently conducting a five-year effectiveness monitoring program to assess whether the offsetting habitat successfully provided surf smelt (Hypomensus pretiosus) and Pacific sandlance (Ammodytes hexapterus) spawning habitat.